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Public Awareness Goes to Bugiri CM Court
Ms. Sheila Wamboga - Senior Communications Officer (standing) conducting the baraza at Bugiri Court

On Monday December 6, 2021, staff of the Communications and Public Relations Registry held a baraza at the Bugiri Chief Magistrate's Court to sensitize court users on the different fast access to justice initiatives in place. 

The awareness drive was hosted by Magistrate Grade One, HW Achok Abrahams and attended by members of the District Chain-linked Programme as well as other court users.

The activity which is part of a week-long awareness campaign in Eastern Uganda to put emphasis on innovations such as Small Claims Procedure, Plea Bargaining and Mediation. The campaign is also meant to create awareness on the process of claiming bail refund and anti-corruption mechanisms in Judiciary including the role of the Inspectorate of Courts and the Call Centre.

The District Security Officer, Mr Nangosha Alfred, who represented the Bugiri Resident District Commissioner, applauded the Judiciary for the efforts towards creating public awareness and requested for more of such engagements.

He appealed for the translation of the educational materials issued out such as brochures and posters into other languages including Swahili, Luganda, and Luo to effectively communicate to the multilingual community in the region.

Court users were also cautioned against fraudsters around court who illegally solicit money from people in order to access court services. 

HW Achok, reassured the court users that justice delivery would improve with the addition of another magistrate at the station.

Senior Communications Officer, Ms Sheila Wamboga, reassured court users that the Judiciary was committed to serving them.

She also urged litigants to always obtain receipts for all payments made to court as proof of payment since the same will be needed when applying for bail refunds.

Ms Evas Kobusingye, a Client Care Officer, on the other hand, briefed participants about the Judiciary Call Center's operations as a means through which clients can communicate with the Judiciary. "The call center lines are available and free of charge for your guidance on how to go about court issues," she said. 

On Wednesday December 8, 2021, the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langa Siu, presided over a Court Open Day in Mayuge as one of the activities to commemorate the anti-corruption week.

Posted 8th, December 2021
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